I am willing to wager that on 12 September 2001 there was not a single American, political hack or ordinary citizen, who would have supported the building of a mosque at ground zero, so why is it less than 9 years after that fateful day we are even considering it? Or worse yet some people are even supporting it? Please spare me the first amendment rhetoric. For one thing the local or state government could easily declare the area a national historic landmark and end the discussion right there (after all Pearl Harbor is a NHL—as well it should be). The site meets the main criteria listed by nps.gov b/c it is definitely a site “That is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to, and are identified with, or that outstandingly represents, the broad national patterns of United States history and from which an understanding and appreciation of those patterns may be gained” (it meets many other criteria as well, see for yourself if you so desire http://www.nps.gov/nhl/QA.htm#2). Certainly we can agree it has more historical significance than say the 9th Fairway, between the tee and Green of the Pakachoag Golf Course, right? As a matter of fact the very building that they are proposing to turn in to a mosque has been under consideration as a NHL since 1989 and something like 30 other buildings in that neighborhood have been granted that distinction. Only about a week or so ago did NYC vote against making that particular building a landmark. The federal gov’t could end this nonsense and make the designation if it wanted to since the building was indeed damaged during the 9/11 attacks, but a small part of me is happy they have not done so.
The reason I am happy is that would be the easy way out and quite simply I am tired. I am tired of avoiding the hard decisions (like standing up and saying no you can’t put a mosque at ground zero, social security/Medicaid/Medicare reform). I am tired of every time I read/listen/watch the news these days I inevitably read/hear (depending on the medium) someone telling me that Islam really is a religion of compassion, peace and understanding. I am tired of the fact that we dance around historical FACTS when discussing their religion. I am tired of how obsessed some people in this country have become with political correctness that we are afraid to even tell the truth. I am by no means saying all Muslims or practitioners of the Islamic faith are terrorists, but since its inception Islam has been a religion of intolerance dedicated to converting everyone to its beliefs or….wait for it….not accept them….execute them. History is rife with examples of the intolerance, even of those who try to help them! Just 20 years ago when Iraq invaded Kuwait and was on its way to invading Saudi Arabia, it the was the US who stepped in to save that muslim/islamic nation. The US armed forces were the ones who ultimately stopped Iraq in Operation Desert Storm, however the forces stationed in Saudi Arabia at the time, protecting them from Iraq, were not even allowed to hang Christmas lights or wear crucifixes around their neck. Yea that sounds like a tolerant people. Sounds like a religion of compassion and understanding doesn’t it? Why is it that Muslims all over the world rioted about a cartoon of Muhammad in a Danish magazine, even setting fire to the Danish Embassies in Syria, Lebanon and Iran, but yet they tell us we need to accept their mosque, when they couldn’t even accept a cartoon without trying to blow something up? It seems quite hypocritical to me.
I am tired of people choosing the path of least resistance; tired of placating those who deliberately chose to attack us in the most vile and heinous way imaginable. This is not about the freedom of religion; it’s about what is right and wrong. There is no simpler way to put it. It is wrong to put a mosque at ground zero. Period. It is even worse when you consider that the CEO and Executive Director of the project is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. In case that name doesn’t ring a bell, let me remind you that Rauf said on 60 minutes that the United States was "an accessory to the crime that happened on 9/11". Hey Rauf: The only crime that happened that day was 3,000 people were executed for no other reason than they were American you douche! That is like calling a woman who has been the victim of a rape an accessory to the crime. It’s obscene to put a mosque, backed by that man, in the same place where 3,000 American citizens were murdered by Islamic extremists. To put a mosque at ground zero is an insult to those who died there, and to the families who lost loved ones there. Ground zero is a burial ground that represents the martyrdom of innocents in a free society, and should be treated as such. Don't make this about tolerance, especially tolerance of a historically intolerant people. I am not saying we shouldn't allow Muslims to build any more mosques, I am simply saying we shouldn't allow them to build one there.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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