Now our neighbors are nameless faces. Cursory glances exchanged when passing in the street in gas guzzling SUVs, where before hand shakes and hugs were exchanged on front lawns during real conversations. If I could offer one piece of advice to fixing this cluster fuck of confrontation we call a society (not that anyone would freakin listen) it would be LOVE THY NEIGHBOR.
America, as messed up as it is, is still the greatest country on earth. I honestly believe if we followed that one commandment 90% of the problems would disappear. America is and always has been the most benevolent country in this history of man. No country has ever sacrificed as much for total strangers as America has. God willing no country will ever have to again and it will be because America stands at the ready to defend freedom. We are not the war mongering, cold hearted devil the Hollywood and liberal moon bats would have us believe we are; nor are we the too big to fail nanny welfare state the right would have us believe.
We are the land of opportunity. There's a reason it's called the American Dream. It's not the French dream (i surrender) ; the Irish dream (praise a land that makes us refugees), it's not the English dream bc we threw those bastards out. The world over its called the American Dream and what could be more flattering than that? Seriously. Don't tell me for one second we're not the best country on Earth. You are promised more here than anywhere else ever! Where we have gone too far is trying to promise equal outcome. You need to earn that, like tomorrow , that isn't promised to anyone. All we need to do is get back to those values of
honesty, integrity, pride, loyalty, diligence, perseverance, opportunity and love our neighbor.
We must never forget freedom and opportunity are never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass them on to our children in the bloodstream. They m must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.